Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fototriss / Phototriple: Red

This week's phototriple is "red."  When I looked through the photographs I have taken, I was surprised at how much that color is in our daily lives.  It's a prominent color in many religions, and it is plays into the identities of various nations, cities, and regions around the world.  Thus, the photos I'm using today are from the Swedish city of Falun, and their famous "Falun Red."

For more phototriple's attacking the "red" theme, visit fototriss.  Further, there is a competition for the best photos, and the lucky winners will receive gift certificates to!


  1. The Falun Red är nog det svenskaste som finns och matchar alla årstider. Vacker triss på vackra och gedigna byggnader!

  2. Gorgeous photos! Nothing is as red as the Falu Red.
    Great triss.
    //jonna d

  3. Snyggt med de faluröda väggarna.

  4. Timrade väggar i falurött är alltid vackert.

  5. Fina foton på fina faluröda hus.
