Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fototriss / Phototriple: Less is More

This week's phototriple was another tricky one (they are always a great challenge!).  "Less is More."  It is a common expression, but how do you put it into 3 photos?  At first, I thought about it in many different ways, but then I realized there are some people who dedicate their lives to this mindset.  So, here is my interpretation!

For more on fototriss, click here!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fototriss / Phototriple: Stripes Never Fade

This week's phototriple is "Stripes Never Fade" (or "Stripes Never Go Out").  As with all the wonderful themes on Fototriss, I find this one very challenging!  I have taken many photos in the past that I thought might be appropriate, but today I went on a photowalk and found inspiration - just when I wanted to cross the street.

For more on phototriple, visit fototriss

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Winter Photos

After 1 month away, I have a few winter photos.  Most of the US and Europe have had strange winters, but this is a good reminder of the ice and snow some people might be missing.